24-hour game jam in Split finished

24-hour game jam in Split finished

The 24-hour FutureJam with the theme “future of housing” under the auspices of the Austrian Cultural Forum and Aspira Polytechnic and organized by CGDA ended today.

Before starting work, the teams could listen to Lukas Tockner from the Vienna Chamber of Labor and Lisa and Alexander from the Austrian sustainable housing cooperative “Living for Future”.

Inspired by the Viennese solutions to the housing problem, the teams set about the 24-hour work of creating their video games.

As usual at future jam, all teams were victorious, and they are:

– Superstars from Zagreb (Josip Orešković and Matija Tomšić)

– Downtown Game Studio from Osijek (Josip and Mato Vincetić and Ivan Štrok with the addition of designer Ariana Grozić from Opatija)

– Degeni from Split (Bruno Radanović, Lucas Sardelić, Sandro Perić, with the help of mentors Fabjan Bakulić and Aleksandar Gavrilović)

Just like last year, all the games will be able to be played next month at the exhibitions in Zagreb and Split, and then in Rijeka and Osijek, after the author’s refinement.

While you wait for the games to come to your city, we’re offering an early preview of one of the games: