BelDocs festival open for games submissions

BelDocs festival open for games submissions

As part of the program at the Beldocs International Documentary Film Festival, together with co-organiser the Serbian Gaming Association (SGA), they invite you to show profound narratives, thought-provoking themes and innovative gameplay experiences that define the landscape of the so-called serious video games.

What are they looking for?

Independent serious video games in production stage, ideally with an available playable demo, or a live game that can be played on any of the known platforms. Custom setups, controllers or physical games are also very much welcome, as long as they do not require complex transport arrangements and additional costs.

When submitting your application, you need to be the owner of the IP, or in case that you have a publisher, co-developer or co-owner of the IP, you need to have permission to officially approve your submission, and/or featuring of the game in the first Play.Docs exhibit.

The call for entries is now open for all studios and authors from across Europe!

Show us your new serious and not-so-serious video games!
Submit until April 25th 2024.

PLAY.DOCS Showcase Submission Form (