Presentation of the PlayStation Indies programme

Presentation of the PlayStation Indies programme

John Vega, senior manager from PlayStation, organized the presentation of the PlayStation Indies program for EGDF and its members.

PS Indies is a promotional program that raises visibility (discoverability, shining a light)

What do indies get with the partnership?

– Spotlight on PS Indies Day on all socials
– a dedicated PlayStation Indies website
– Indies Store Grid – a special section just for indies
– Monthly Picks Collection – put curated games on the cover (eg Talos Principle 2)
– Bringing indies to PS+ (100+ games every month)

What PS are looking for from indies:
1. Creative ideas – eg Toem or Chicory
2. Critically successful – eg Kentucky Route Zero
3. Breakout hits – eg Cult of the Lamb, Sifu
4. Diverse games and diverse developers

How to apply for the program?
You need to register as a partner, and start the process from there, if they want to showcase the game, you can send a ticket in the help center that you want to apply for PS Indies. Soon there will be a special Indies portal for that.